Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ranch, Anyone?

Playing after work.  It's been hot finally so this is our outfit at home.

Taste Time!

She likes Ranch Dressing!!! 

And eating it while watching our go to show Toy Story, lol

"More, Please!"

"I'll just suck on my thumb now."

Hope everyone is having a good week.  Not much to report here, but that Raygen likes Ranch.  Or at least she did last night.  We will try again tonight and see what she thinks.  It's been pretty warm around our area so we have been hanging out at work and indoors.  Raygen doesn't do too well when she is hot.  She is so much like her father and sister that way.  The hotter it is the crankier they get, lol!  So our house is sooo much fun, lol :)
If anyone has any tips or ideas on how they got their CHD baby to eat I would love to hear them.  I keep myself up at night wondering if I'm doing the right things? trying the right foods? should I be trying the bottle? should I push her?  My heart is worrying.  I want my baby to eat and like to eat.  I just hope I'm doing things right.  I also worry about that in the physical sense.  I know Raygen is doing so much more then she was a month ago, but am I doing enough to help her?  I am a little stressed thinking she should be sitting up way more on her own then she does.  That she should be crawling a little (her poor right arm I think is her hold up.)  I just worry.  Worry, Worry.  I know being a CHD mommy is hard work and I'm up for the challenge but I just hope I'm doing all I can to help Raygen catch up and have a happy life.  She is a total, complete blessing from God.  I just hope I can be a good enough mom to her that she deserves. 

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is similar to your daughters situation( from what I'v read so far).. She has a heart condition and has had one open heart surgery.. she also just got a tracheotomy 4 months ago and has a gtube for feeding.. she is 16 months(14 corrected).
    I don't have suggestions for eating but don't be to hard on your self for mile stones.. my daughter JUST started sitting on her own and its starting to bare weight on her legs. Maybe your daughter will skip crawling and walk.. :)


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