Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cardio Update

Raygen with her Passe Mere Valve on.
This was really at 3am. I'm glad someone is happy when their up this early.

Our parade Girl!

Not a fan of the Bumbo yet. But were working on it.

So Raygen had a doctor appointment on Thursday with the cardio doc and everything looked great. Her echo and ekg were good. We will not see him again till after the Glenn, what a crazy thought to me. She also saw her pediatrician for a well check and everything looked good except her throat was a little red but the strep test was negative. Thank you Jesus. The last thing we need right now is for Raygen to get a cold or a sickness of any kind. She has been spitting up alot the last few days and that worries me and last night spit up came out her nose (sorry tmi) and she freaked out and I did too, so scary. We have a pretty laid back few weeks till surgery. So much to prepare for but I don't think I will ever be prepared as hard as I try. I heard this saying a couple days ago and it fits us right now "People plan, God laughs." Not that I believe God sits backs and laughs at us but I do think he sees humor in us making are list, packing our bags, and doing everything possible to prepare but in all reality we have no idea what to expect, but God does. I bet he sits back and says "Erin, you really don't need to bring 100 t-shirts for Raygen you wont be there that long." Well at least I hope that's what he's thinking. Zoie had cheer camp this week and cheered at the football game last night and she was in the annual Apple Harvest festival parade today. What a wonderful girl she is and such a big help. We have not had a night nurse for 3 nights so needless to say Randy and I are a little tired. Someone has to be up with Raygen at all times just in case she needs suctioned or if she spits ups and since she has the trach you can not hear her cry to wake you up so we always make sure eyes are on her at all times. I want to thank my wonderful friend Sarah for setting up a prayer vigil for Raygen and thank her in advance for keeping the blog updated on surgery day. Thank you to everyone for everything.

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