Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Update on Addi 3..

Here is the latest update on our heart friend.

4 days and waiting...

Posted 16 hours ago
Addison, by God's amazing grace is holding her own. She is on a lot of support but as of now she is NOT intubated and she is not on ECMO. As of last night she is sitting up, talking and taking water by mouth. She is on .75 of milrinone, IV lasix, loveox, diaril and 2 liters of oxygen. As of 2 hours ago, she is off Epi and she has been in sinus rhythm. She had ultrasounds of her liver, spleen and kidneys and though they took a hit they are stable. She doesn't have the strength to walk and she vomits on occasion but she is night and day compared to two days ago. We are hopeful she will continue to be strong enough to wait for her new heart and go into the OR strong and ready.
Addison Dayan once again is surpassing all odds and we continue to get compliment after compliment on how smart, polite and full of happiness this little girl is. She amazes us at her strength, faith and will for life. She is truly a fighter.
Thank you all for the prayers, phone calls, messages and so on. We truly appreciate it. I truly believe all the prayers literally all over the world are what has kept our little girl here. Our biggest fear is people will forget. Life goes on and we understand but we fear others will stop praying for Addi. Time has frozen for us. It is amazing to think there is literally life outside these CICU walls. For us with every breath she takes, every smile Addi smiles, we pray for more time. We pray the perfect heart comes. Please continue to pray, we can't beg you enough.
Heart Hugs,
Danny and Ang

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Addi and her family and please continue to do so. 

Raygen has her cardiologist appointment tomorrow morning and I'm praying for excellent results.  I will update you tomorrow on her appointment.

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