Monday, August 22, 2011

Sister Monday

Today was a good day. Raygen had some good needed sister time. Zoie rocked her to sleep today and it was so cute. When were in the hospital with Raygen I dream of these moments with my two girls together, bonding like sisters should. I love that Zoie is really starting to be more comfortable with Raygen and likes to help out. I can't believe Zoie is starting school next week and then we will be off to the hospital and moments like today might be few and far between for awhile. I hope and pray not a long while. So we go see the Cardio doc on Wednesday and should get an estimated date for her cath and we go see the ENT docs on Monday. I just pray that her vocal cords are healed and we can loose the trach and I can hear my baby cry or make noise. Such a good day, crazy to think that tomorrow our baby is 5 months old and this time last week we were headed to Children's. Thank you Lord for an awesome day and letting us all be home together as a family.

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