Friday, August 26, 2011

Hot Days

The last two days have been so hot, hot for Ony thats for sure. Good thing we have an air conditioner but I know Raygen still feels the heat. She hates blankets even when its cool outside so with it being warm plus having to wear her warm mist collar she is supper sweaty. She had therapy today and did so awesome sitting up and looking around. She is getting so big and it's so exciting to see her meet all the baby milestones. No call from Children's today so maybe I will know next week when her cath will be. We will be heading to Children's again on Monday to see the ENT docs so I'm really excited for that appointment. I really want to know how her vocal cords are. We have a lazy weekend planned just resting up for our big trip on Monday.


  1. Erin:

    You are doing an awesome job on your blog site, always being so positive!! That is a very good attitude and taking one day at a time and just trusting everyones prayers.

    Loves and hugs from Aunt Carol and family

  2. Raygen looks so beautiful and healthy! You guys are amazing! I am keeping you in my prayers every day and hope that Raygen and Arli can play together soon.



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