Saturday, July 5, 2014

Boat Ride..

We were able to rent a boat for a few hours to see if were a "boating" kind-of family

and I think we decided we like our feet on dry land.  It was just our luck that the day we rented our boat happened to be very windy so the water was pretty choppy.
There were moments of enjoyment, but the rough water and wind did scare Zoie a few times.  Raygen decided to nap during most of the trip, but when she woke she was just happy moving and sitting on my lap.
I love getting to experience new things with my girls.  
We have so much happening in the next few weeks it's nice to just relax and enjoy being a family.
I know that tomorrow we head home and back to reality and preparing for ear tubes and Fontan, but I'm going to try not to think about that now and just enjoy this time of being "normal."



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