Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Update So Far.....

So yesterday was so scary. Raygen had some breathing issues at home so we decided to take her to see her pediatrician so she could take a look at her. Dr Polley agreed that she didn't look right and agreed that she looked like she didn't feel good. Dr Polley decided it would be better to admit her to the hospital just in case. So Raygen took her second ambulance trip to Seattle Childrens (first was right after birth) and we were admitted last night. They have run blood test and trach cultures and so far everything is looking negative which is awesome. Some of her numbers are a little elevated so they all agree that she probably has a cold or virus. She was off her feeds last night and they decided to restart them today. She still looks very pale and uncomfortable and she just isn't her happy normal self. She is on half a liter of oxygen to keep her stats up and she doesn't have to be on it all the time but she is having periods where she needs it. We don't know how long we will be here but for sure 48 hours. There is no way I'm taking her home with how she looks right now. Please pray that she heals from her cold and tolerates her feeds being restarted. She needs to heal quickly so we can do her heart cath and get ready for the glenn. Please continue to pray for Raygen, she needs to heal and get better so we can take her home and she can continue to grow. I really feel the next 24 to 48hrs is sooo important. I just pray she continues to improve and that she is able to get off the oxygen. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts and thank you Sarah for continuing to update the blog. I will do my best to keep you all posted. God Bless!


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