Wednesday, February 4, 2015

She's got shoes on! and our CHD Fact.

Raygen in her Carbon Dioxide Tent.  

Carbon dioxide prevents pulmonary overcirculation in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. more info here.

Shortly after Raygen's birth she had a hard time controlling her oxygen saturation's.  So they placed Raygen in a Carbon Dioxide Tent prior to her Norwood.  This helped Raygen regulate her body and kept her stable till surgery.  She was in this tent for around 4 days.  While she was in the tent, holding her was limited because she had to be removed from her tent.  This was a hard time for us.  Scared about her surgery and unable to hold her.  Looking back I am so grateful for Seattle Children's and their quick responses to issues.  HLHS is scary, but look at Raygen, you can survive.  
Raygen let me put shoes on her for awhile today. I'm hoping she will like to wear them so she can walk outside soon. 

She made Zoie take them off in the car, but a little bit is better then nothing.

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