Mended Little Hearts has these great T-Shirts for CHD awareness and since this is heart month I thought I would share some of them. I am placing my order today for some. I know I'm a little behind but work and life have been crazy lately. I have absolutely no free time at all it seems. I sneak updating my blog in through out my day. You can purchase these shirts on their website by clicking here.... Mended Little Hearts
So Raygen has had a few changes this week one especially to her feed. I have been mixing her peptum jr with pedialite and she seemed to be tolerating being off the baby formula till I started mixing the petum jr with water. We have had a few very long miserable nights. I have also been worried if Raygen has been coming down with a cold. She has sounded junky and thought maybe that could be another reason why she hasn't been sleeping.
I called her dietitian yesterday and we decided to go back to mixing her peptum with pedialite to see if that gives her any relief. It's so hard when Raygen is so tired and all she wants to do is sleep, but can't get comfortable enough to do it. I just want her to sleep because if she is coming down with a little bug then her not sleeping won't help that at all.
Last night was a little better. She still woke up a lot but I was able to get her back to sleep much easier then the previous nights so I'm hoping this was her issue. She did have a puke on Saturday and felt warm and looked like she didn't feel good at all, but I think lack of sleep played a huge roll in that. We also officially turned Raygen to face forward in her car seat and I wonder if she was also a little car sick.
You must think I'm crazy, but when Raygen is acting different then her "normal" I have to find the reason. It drives me in sane. We did have a long week with several trips North so Raygen spent a lot of time in the car so we could have thrown her system off. It's so important when you have a heart baby to notice the smallest change in them. The sooner you spot something or caught something the better off they are. You can see how my life can get stressful. I am a worrier and my poor husband gets several calls a day when I feel like something is up.
She seems better today so hopefully tonight after being on her old food recipe she will get a whole night sleep. Trust me we both need a whole night sleep.
She is such a sweet girl.
Please keep Raygen in your prayers. My worries could all be nothing and I may have found the fix, but with all the cold and flu going around I get freaked out very easily. A cold for a heart baby is nothing easy and always scary.
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